
Growing Up

(an uninformative guide with pictures and not much else)
Rose Theatre Kingston

︎︎︎Publication design
︎︎︎Writing/Devising & Production design

A Rose Theatre Collective original. The story of growing up told through IKEA. The poster artwork utilises the iconic yellow and blue and verdana typeface associated with IKEA. The main subject is a cut and paste of all the cast’s baby photos to reflect the eclectic, sketch-like and non-traditional structure of the show.  The programme is a single folded sheet, and also borrows the language of IKEA instructions. The use of arrows is a relfection of the poster and the set design.

As well as the poster and programme artwork design, I was further involved in the company. Not only helping write and devise the production from its inception, being involved in production design discussions was a great experience. And, I also performed in it... Production Photography: @csillahphotography